Supporting The Red Wolf Coalition

Through Wildlife Inspired Artistry, I donate 10% of my profits toward conservation efforts. Today, I was excited to make a donation of $214.10 to the Red Wolf Coalition (RWC)!

Why RWC?

Having the privilege to work with red wolves in the past, I feel passionate about the restoration of this endangered species. For those who don’t know, red wolves used to be present in the Eastern and Southern United States before predator control programs and habitat loss caused them to decline in number. Now they are only found in Eastern North Carolina, and as of July 2022, there are only estimated to be 19-21 left in their natural habitat. -> US Fish and Wildlife Service

The Red Wolf Coalition (RWC) advocates for the long-term survival of red wolf populations by teaching about the red wolf and by fostering public involvement in red wolf conservation. -> read more

Groups like the RWC that educate the public about the value in red wolves are crucial in the team effort to restore this species. I am proud to be able to support them.

Thank you for supporting my small business and making this donation possible!

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